To our patients,
As you know your care and safety and the safety of our team is our top priority.
Recommendations to dental offices are changing rapidly regarding shelter in place, social distancing and essential dental treatment. We are working hard to remain compliant with the recommendation by the American Dental Association, California Dental Association and our Governor that California dentists suspend all care other than essential and emergency treatment.
If you have any questions regarding your dental care or have urgent concerns, please call us or send a direct message through our website; we are here for you and will be seeing emergency patients.
Our phones will be answered during our normal business hours and, as always, we can be reached outside of the business hours for any emergency calls.
We are looking forward to returning to patient care and the opportunity to once again visit with our dental family of patients…we miss you all!
Thank you for being our patients!
Dr. Sharon Mateja and Team, Jennifer, Deanna, Sandra & Erika

Why Schedule Your Dental Exam and Cleaning?

Apr 20, 2021 @ 08:45 AM — by Sharon B. Mateja, D.D.S.
Tagged with: General Dentistry

A dental mirror examining a woman’s smileMaintaining a healthy smile requires more than brushing and flossing alone. Regular dental exams and cleanings are just as important but are so often skipped. Dentist Sharon B. Mateja provides a wide range of dental services, including dental exams and cleanings, to keep your teeth healthy and looking their best.

Dental exams and cleanings should be performed at least every six months, but why schedule your dental exam and cleaning? The team at our Rancho Cucamonga, CA, practice explains the important reasons for scheduling regular dental exams and cleanings.

Prevent Plaque Buildup and Gum Disease

Regular dental exams and cleanings are essential for preventing plaque and tartar (the mineralized form of plaque) from building up on the teeth and along the gum line. When plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth and along the gumline, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental cleanings help reduce the risk of gum disease by preventing the buildup of plaque and tartar missed by brushing and flossing at home.

Catch Oral Health Problems Early

Routine dental exams play an important role in oral health by identifying and catching oral health problems early, when they are most easily treated.

During dental exams, our Rancho Cucamonga patients are checked for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, dental damage, and other oral health issues. Looking for potential oral health problems before they become a serious issue makes it easier to preserve the natural teeth and keep the smile healthy.

Save Time and Money

Although it’s necessary to take about an hour out of your schedule every six months for a dental exam and cleaning, regularly scheduling these appointments can actually save time and money in the long run.

Regular exams and cleanings help prevent the need for more involved and expensive dental treatments, like root canal therapy, dental implants, and other dental restorations. Again, this is because catching oral health problems early prevents more serious issues later on.

Important for Overall Health

Regular dental exams and cleanings are not only an integral part to keeping a healthy, beautiful smile, they are also important to overall health.

Some conditions that affect overall health have signs and symptoms that appear in the mouth. For example, dry mouth (xerostomia) can be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes, and oral ulcers can be a sign of lupus or oral cancer.

Regular dental exams can help catch certain systemic health issues for further diagnosis and treatment by a specialist or other doctor. This is especially important when oral cancer is present. Finding and treating oral cancer as early as possible can be life saving.

Keep the Smile Looking its Best

Regular dental exams and cleanings help keep the smile healthy and looking its best. When combined with good oral hygiene practices at home, including brushing and flossing, patients who see their dentist at least twice a year can enjoy healthy teeth and gums for years to come.

Schedule Your Next Dental Exam and Cleaning

If you live in or around Rancho Cucamonga and are ready to schedule your next dental exam and cleaning, we invite you to make an appointment with Dr. Mateja online or call (909) 989-5959.

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